Economy Faculty

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Leontiev Cuci, Dekan

Email: [email protected]

The Faculty of Economics opened its doors in 2013. Since then, it has grown and successfully graduated entire generations of students, who today work in both the public and private sector. Diplomas issued by this faculty enjoy high credibility in the labor market both at home and abroad. Some of our graduates have been fortunate enough to continue their postgraduate studies at many prestigious universities around the world.

An academic body works for this faculty, which is distinguished for its high professionalism and outstanding academic experience. The Faculty of Economics offers study opportunities in Bachelor programs in the field of Administration and Finance. He also offers study programs in six Professional Masters of Science.

The third cycle of studies will soon open near Luarasi, which will provide opportunities for even more in-depth knowledge in the field of economics. The Faculty of Economics is an excellent opportunity for all those who want to graduate in the finance and business administration sectors. Recent contributions to this faculty show the high interest shown by Albanian graduates to pursue studies in these fields.

Who is this study program aimed at?

The labor market for business administration profile specialists is growing and the statistics speak of stable demands that respond to the apparent dynamics of growth of the Albanian economy.

This study program enables students to be employed in various economic units, sectors related to the basic functions of business administration such as marketing, production management, human resource management, in the private sector and public administration.

The knowledge offered and the competencies acquired from this study program create the basis for a research and academic career.

Why should you register in this study program?

This study program is addressed to:

-students wishing to prepare as business administrators of small and medium-sized entities and the public sector;

– students who want to prepare as capable specialists for further studies in the fields of business administration;

-persons who have completed a study program and who wish to gain knowledge in the fields of business administration.

What does this study program contain?

The Bachelor program in “Business Administration” aims to provide a body of knowledge in general theoretical training in the field of economics, management, marketing, finance and accounting with the main objective of training specialists capable of working in the field of business administration and for the realization of advanced studies in this field.At the end of the program, the student is trained to be employed in various economic units, sectors related to the basic functions of business administration such as marketing, production management, human resource management, in the private sector and public administration.

Bachelor/BA: Business Administration:

This study program prepares genuine specialists for business administration in various fields of economics. Graduates of this profile possess a wide range of knowledge about all the problems of managing small, medium and large businesses as well as their successful management. This study program includes:

Nr. First Year. 60 ECTS
1 Microeconomics 6
2 Mathematic I 6
3 Academic Writing and  Research Methods 6
4 Basics Of Accounting 6
5 English  6
6 Sociology 6
7 Macroeconomics 6
8 History of Economic Thought 6
9 Introduction of Business Administration    6
10 Mathematic II 6
Nr. Second Year. 60 ECTS
1 Basics Of Marketing 6
2 Public Finances 6
3 Human Resource Management 6
4 Economic Policies 6
5 Marketing Management 6
6 Business Statistics 4
7 Informatics 6
8 Money and Banks 6
9 SME Management 6
10 Investments 4
11 Management Accounting 4
Nr. Third Year. 60 ECTS
1 Business Strategy 6
2 Financial Markets 6
3 Innovation Management 6
4 Organizational Behavior 6
5 Financial and Monetary Policy 6
6 Operations Management 6
7 International Business 6
8 Marketing Psychology/Administrative Law 6
9 Professional Practice 6
10 Diploma Thesis 6

Bachelor BA/Finance – Bank:

This program aims to prepare economists specializing in the fields of finance and accounting. It aims to prepare students with the basic notions of auditing as well as the functioning of insurance companies. The world of finance, especially in our country is expected to have a rapid development in the coming years. This study program includes:

Kujt i drejtohet ky program studimi?

Ky program studimi u drejtohet:

  • studentëve që dëshirojnë të përgatiten si specialistë të sektorit të financë-bankës të njësive ekonomike të vogla e të mesme, bankave dhe të sektorit shtetëror.
  • studentëve që dëshirojnë të përgatiten si specialistë të aftë për vazhdimin e studimeve të mëtejshme në fushat e administrimit të biznesit;
  • personave që kanë mbaruar një program studimi dhe që dëshirojnë të përfitojnë njohuri në fushat e financave dhe bankave

Çfarë përmban ky program studimi?

Programi Bachelor në ”Financë – Bankë” synon dhënien e një tërësie njohurish në formimin e përgjithshëm teorik në fushën e ekonomisë, manaxhimit, financës dhe bankës me objektiv kryesor formimin e specialistëve bazë të aftë për të punuar si specialistë bazë finance dhe banke dhe për realizimin e studimeve të avancuara në këtë fushë.

E vecanta e këtij programi lidhet me gërshetimin konkret të njohurive të fituara në fushën akademike me aspektin praktik të profilit të punës në sektorin e financës dhe atë të bankës.

Në përfundim të programit, studenti aftësohet për t’u punësuar në njësitë e ndryshme ekonomike si ne sektorin privat kryesisht në sektorin e financës, bankës, ashtu edhe në administratën publike.

Bachelor studies program in Finance-Bank

Bachelor BA/Finance – Bank:

This program aims to prepare economists specializing in the fields of finance and accounting. It aims to prepare students with the basic notions of auditing as well as the functioning of insurance companies. The world of finance, especially in our country is expected to have a rapid development in the coming years. This study program includes:

Nr. First Year. 60 ECTS
1 Microeconomics 6
2 Mathematic I 6
3 Academic Writing and Research Methods 6
4 Basics Of Accounting 6
5 English 6
6 Sociology 6
7 Macroeconomics 6
8 History of Economic Thought 6
9 Introduction of Business Administration 6
10 Mathematics II  6
Nr. Second Year. 60 ECTS
1 Financial Accounting 6
2 Public Finances 6
3 Basics Of Law 6
4 Strategic Management 6
5 Marketing Direction 6
6 Business Statistics 4
7 Informatics 6
8 Money and Banks 6
9 Operations Management 6
10 Investments 4
11 Cost Accounting 4
Nr. Third Year. 60 ECTS
1 Portfolio Management 6
2 Markets and Financial Institutions 6
3 Risk Management 6
4 Financial and Banking Law 6
5 Banking Management 6
6 Accounting Management 6
 7 International Banking and Financial Standards 6
8 Financial Reporting Analysis / Banking Supervision  6
9 Professional Practice 6
10 Diploma Thesis 6