The Faculty of Information Technology and Innovation offers study programs in both cycles: Bachelor and Master.
The programs of this faculty are among the most preferred by the new generation, because information and communication technologies have influenced and are strongly influencing the globalization of culture and communication, health care, public services, cultural activities, government, business, education distance, banking system, aeronautics, aviation, defense, intelligence services, research, social networks, e-mail, online commerce, mobile telephony, audiovisual technologies, etc.
The Faculty of Information Technology and Innovation offers study programs that give students the opportunity to be formed with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to work and contribute to these important and diverse fields. Luarasi University offers all the modern laboratory infrastructure as well as a highly qualified academic staff to take on this attractive challenge. Our offer best responds to the growing demands of the market, guaranteeing a high degree of employment, both at home and abroad.
Who is this study program aimed at?
The main objective of this Bachelor study program in Economic Informatics is to prepare Information Technology specialists, but with a considerable technical baggage as a genuine informatics, with expertise in business administration and bank finance, which would enable the student to acclimatize immediately on market demands such as government, banking, mobile telephony corporations and various companies. The program provides basic knowledge on informatics and economics, learn how to combine these two profiles through basic training knowledge in the field of programming, databases, networks, algorithms or even getting acquainted with the basic concepts of accounting, finance, statistics or management.
Why should you register in this study program?
Training of quality experts and specialists in theoretical aspects and especially in practical skills in the field of Economic Informatics with expertise in both Business Administration and Finance Bank that would enable the student to immediately acclimatize to market demands in the government environment, banking, mobile telephony corporations and various companies. Equipping them with basic theoretical knowledge, contemporary international practices and Albanian experience in the field of Information Technology and IT Applications in Economics will adapt to the growing demands for professional and qualified resources, enabling the creation of opportunities. for students for permanent employment in the domestic market and abroad based on both government and private corporate structure.
What does this study program contain?
The Bachelor study program in “Economic Informatics” aims to equip students with basic knowledge in the field of economic informatics by placing more emphasis on their theoretical training in addition to the practical one, profiling them simultaneously in the two economic fields Business Administration and Finance Bank as a unique combination between Information Technology applied in these two areas of Economics.
Despite the relationship between computer science and economics from experience, from contacts with students we see a great interest of students in Economic Informatics, which comes from the attractive and modern character of this field and the fact that students think they will have more opportunities. to find a job after finishing school.
Bachelor BA/ Economic Informatics:
This study program aims to equip students with basic knowledge in the field of economic informatics. At the end of the studies of this program, graduates can be employed in a wide range of job profiles, as a business and data analyst, specialist in the field of informatics, electronic communications market, telecommunications, and electronic media, as an auditor of information systems and computer, etc. This study program includes:
Nr. | First Year. | 60 ECTS |
1 | Microeconomics | 5 |
2 | Introduction to information technology | 4 |
3 | Academic Writing and Research Methods | 5 |
4 | Algorithms and Introduction to C++ Programming | 6 |
5 | Business Management | 5 |
6 | Introduction to information Systems Management | 5 |
7 | Macroeconomics | 5 |
8 | Basics of Accounting | 5 |
9 | Computer Architecture | 6 |
10 | Innovation Management | 6 |
11 | Mathematics I | 4 |
12 | English I | 4 |
Nr. | Second Year. | 60 ECTS |
1 | Basics of Finance | 5 |
2 | Basics of Statistics | 4 |
3 | Mathematics II | 4 |
4 | Basics of Marketing | 5 |
5 | Data Structure | 6 |
6 | Object Oriented Programming Introduction to Java | 6 |
7 | Financial Management – Operations Management | 5 |
8 | Financial Accounting | 5 |
9 | Web Design and Programming | 6 |
10 | Organization of Computer And Operating Systems | 5 |
11 | History of Economics and Economic thought | 5 |
12 | Business English | 4 |
Nr. | Third Year. | 60 ECTS |
1 | Computer Network Management | 6 |
2 | Introduction to Data Base Theory | 6 |
3 | Business Intelligence and Datamining | 6 |
4 | Design, Management, Implementation Of Information Technology Systems | 6 |
5 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 6 |
6 | Business Statistics | 4 |
7 | Financial Markets – Marketing Management | 5 |
8 | Introduction to Project Management | 6 |
9 | Practice and Career Development | 6 |
10 | Thesis Topic/Final General Exam | 9 |
Kujt i drejtohet ky program studimi?
Objektivi kryesor i këtij programi studimi “Bachelor” në “Teknologji Informacioni dhe Inovacioni” është të përgatisë specialistë të Teknologjisë së Informacionit, por me një bagazh të konsiderueshëm, me ekspertizë në inovacion, që do ta bënte të aftë studentin të ambientohej menjëherë më kërkesat e tregut si në ambientin qeveritar, atë bankar, korporatat e telefonisë mobile dhe kompanitë e ndryshme. Programi ofron njohuri njohuri bazë mbi informatikën dhe inovacionin, të mësojnë si ti ndërthurin këto dy profile nëpërmjet njohurive bazë formuese në fushën e programimit, bazave të të dhënave, rrjetave, algoritmeve apo edhe duke u njohur me konceptet bazë të tregtisë elektronike apo inovacionit.
Përse duhet të regjistroheni tek ky progam studimi?
Formimi i ekspertëve dhe specialistëve cilësorë në aspektet teorike edhe veçanërisht në aftësitë praktike aplikative në fushën e Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Inovacionit që do ta bënte të aftë studentin të ambientohej menjëherë më kërkesat e tregut si në ambientin qeveritar, atë bankar, korporatat e telefonisë mobile dhe kompanitë e ndryshme. Pajisja e tyre me njohuritë themelore teorike, praktikat bashkëkohore ndërkombëtare dhe përvojën e eksperiencën shqiptare në fushën e Teknologjisë se Informacionit dhe Aplikimet e IT në Ekonomi dhe profile të tjera do ti përshtatet kërkesave gjithnjë e në rritje për resurse profesionale dhe të kualifikuara, duke bërë të mundur krijimin e mundësive për studentët për punësim të përhershëm në tregun vendas dhe atë jashtë vendit mbështetur si në strukturën qeveritare dhe atë private korporative.
Çfarë përmban ky program studimi?
Programi studimit “Bachelor” në “Teknologji Informacioni dhe Inovacion” synon të pajisë studentët me njohuritë bazë në fushën e informatikës ekonomike duke vënë theksin më shumë në formimin e tyre teorik krahas atij praktik.
Teknologjia e Informacionit dhe Inovacioni është një avantazh për të ardhmen e studentit. Një specialist i mirëfilltë i Teknologjisë së Informacionit ndesh zakonisht vështirësi kur kërkon punë mbasi nuk di t’i përgjigjet kërkesave konkrete të një biznesi nga pikëpamja ekonomike dhe një ekonomist e ka shumë të vështirë t’i përshtatet teknologjive moderne pa të cilat puna në një biznes do të ishte shumë e mangët. Studenti i Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Inovacionit nuk do të jetë në asnjë prej këtyre ekstremiteteve. Ai është i familjarizuar me teknologjinë dhe ka nga ana tjetër nocionet themelore të inovacionit. Këtë gjë e bën të mundur pikërisht programi që u vihet në dispozicion studentëve.
Bachelor BA/Information Technology and Innovation:
This program aims to provide basic knowledge in the field of information technology and innovation, emphasizing their theoretical and practical formation. This program meets the requirements of today’s labor market, enabling graduates to be employed in public and private administration, banking corporations, telecommunications corporations, and many other institutions of this nature at home and abroad. This study program includes:
Nr. | First Year. | 60 ECTS |
1 | Microeconomics | 5 |
2 | Introduction to Information Technology | 4 |
3 | Academic Writing and Research Methods | 5 |
4 | Algorithms and Introduction to C++ Programming | 6 |
5 | Business Management | 5 |
6 | Introduction to Information Systems Management | 5 |
7 | Macroeconomics | 5 |
8 | Communication Strategies For Information Technology | 5 |
9 | Computer Architecture | 6 |
10 | Innovation Management | 6 |
11 | English I | 4 |
12 | Mathematics I | 4 |
Nr. | Second Year. | 60 ECTS |
1 | Organizations of Computer System/Operating Systems | 5 |
2 | Basics of Statistics | 4 |
3 | Mathematics II | 4 |
4 | Introduction to Business Information Systems | 5 |
5 | Data Structure | 6 |
6 | Object Oriented Programming Introduction to JAVA | 6 |
7 | Application Development- Strategy and Governance Of Information Systems | 5 |
8 | Leadership and Ethics in decision Making | 5 |
9 | Web Design and Programming | 6 |
10 | Security and Risks Of Information Systems | 5 |
11 | Cloud Computing e-business Systems | 5 |
12 | Business English | 4 |
Nr. | Third Year. | 60 ECTS |
1 | Computer Network Management | 6 |
2 | Introduction to Database Theory | 6 |
3 | Business Intelligence and Datamining | 6 |
4 | Digital Business Design and innovation | 6 |
5 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 6 |
6 | Business Statistics | 4 |
7 | Electronic Commerce and enterprise systems | 5 |
8 | Introduction to Project Management | 6 |
9 | Practice and Career Development | 6 |
10 | Diploma Thesis | 9 |