In the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Justice, the Directorate of Free Legal Aid, the Faculty of Law invites its students to become part of the Legal Clinic to gain an irreplaceable academic, professional and...
Purpose of Luarasi Legal Clinic
The Legal Clinic “Luarasi” is born as a joint project of the Open Society Foundation for Albania (OSFA) and the University College “Luarasi”, and aims to provide free legal aid to people in financial difficulties to afford legal representation by a lawyer. It will support its activity in the work of students and professors of the Faculty of Law of Luarasi University College as well as in cooperation with institutions which have experience in this field. Legal aid will be provided by the students of the Clinic under the care of the responsible professors. The main objective of the Legal Clinic will be to provide a contribution in the form of free legal aid to groups of society or individuals who fail to use or benefit from the rights and freedoms provided by law. Luarasi Legal Clinic aims to enable participating students through practical experience in providing free legal aid to people in need by educating them in a sense of volunteerism and service to the community.
Projected in the future, the Legal Clinic aims to have as little influence as possible on the education of marginalized communities about their rights by becoming a tool for social change and the protection of human rights.
Services of the Legal Clinic “Luarasi”
The clinic offers different levels of legal aid. The lowest level of legal aid for clinic clients is the provision of basic information. This information includes providing a leaflet, filling out forms, getting acquainted with the legal clinic official website, introducing the clinic staff or providing standardized information that is not tailored to them as individuals.
The next level of legal aid is general counseling. The information is is much more detailed than the basic information. Counseling here is offered to the client as an individual referring to specific circumstances. This type of assistance is based on resources and advice to which the public does not have direct access.
The next level in the hierarchy of assistance provided by the Clinic is legal advice specialized to people involved in legal processes but unable to afford to consult a lawyer for financial incapacity.
The legal clinic will offer:
-Legal consultation (legal advice) on various issues (mainly civil);
Request – lawsuit for court;
Request to address various institutions;
-Legal settlement of cases (as the case may be: settlement of marriage, inheritance, property, trade, etc.);
-Information on:
– the competent court in whose district the trial is to take place;
– deadlines for filing lawsuits;
-determining the correct legal basis;
-how to process a claim-claim, complaints and final talks prepared by the interested person himself.
Klinika ligjore do të ofrojë:
- Konsultë ligjore (këshillim juridik) mbi problematika të ndryshme (kryesisht civile);
- Kërkesë– padi për gjykatë;
- Kërkesa për t’ju drejtuar institucioneve të ndryshme;
- Zgjidhje ligjore të çështjeve (sipas rastit: zgjidhje martese, trashëgimie, pronësie, tregtare etj);
- Informim mbi :
- gjykatën kompetente në rrethin e së cilës duhet të zhvillohet gjyqi;
- afatet për ngritjen e padive;
- përcaktimin e bazës ligjore të saktë;
- mënyrën se si të ripunohet një kërkesë-padi, ankimet dhe bisedimet përfundimtare të përgatitura nga vetë personi i interesuar.

Customers and cases of the Legal Clinic “Luarasi”
The legal clinic will provide free legal services to certain individuals who lack the minimum information on how to use the legislation that protects their rights, how to address the various state administration bodies, how to get acquainted with the tools provided by the state and the law, as well as to be aware that in cases of violation of the law, to turn again to the law and not to self-judgment.
The areas of law in which Luarasi Legal Clinic will provide services are:
1.Criminal law;
2.Civil Law;
3.Administrative law.
The schedule of the Legal Clinic “Luarasi” is: Monday – Friday, 09.00-13.00
09.00-13.00 | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët |
Besiana Hasani Drita Sefulla |
Edison Nabolli Elena Gjylameti |
Edlir Dado Andi Sedja |
Erik Veizi Evisa Cani |
Malvin Nikolla Arbesa Bardhoshi |
Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | |
Dr. Blerina Shkurti | Av. Saimir Vishaj | Doc. Valentina Kondili | Av. Saimir Vishaj | Doc. Valentina Kondili | |
09.00-13.00 | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentet |
Olsi Brusha Zyra Kurani |
Ornela Behari Marsid Sedja |
Juxhin Manopulli Sonja Traja |
Valbona Mezini Amela Idrizi |
Blerta Stafa Marjana Sina |
Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | |
Av. Saimir Vishaj | Prof.As.Dr. Rezana Konomi | Prof.As.Dr. Rezana Konomi | Dr. Blerina Shkurti | Doc. Valentina Kondili | |
09.00-13.00 | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët |
Besiana Hasani Drita Sefulla |
Edison Nabolli Elena Gjylameti |
Edlir Dado Andi Sedja |
Erik Veizi Evisa Cani |
Malvin Nikolla Arbesa Bardhoshi |
Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | |
Dr. Blerina Shkurti | Av. Saimir Vishaj | Doc. Valentina Kondili | Av. Saimir Vishaj | Doc. Valentina Kondili | |
09.00-13.00 | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentët | Studentet |
Olsi Brusha Zyra Kurani |
Ornela Behari Marsid Sedja |
Juxhin Manopulli Sonja Traja |
Valbona Mezini Amela Idrizi |
Blerta Stafa Marjana Sina |
Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | Pedagogu mbikqyrës | |
Av. Saimir Vishaj | Prof.As.Dr. Rezana Konomi | Prof.As.Dr. Rezana Konomi | Dr. Blerina Shkurti | Doc. Valentina Kondili |
Luarasi Legal Clinic
“Luarasi” in the Simulation Court for the case of Criminal Procedure
Photo from the activity of the Visit of the students and pedagogues of the Legal Clinic Luarasi in the Women’s Prison “Ali Demi”