Prof. Dr. Ethem Ruka
Gjatë karrierës së tij të pasur profesionale, Prof. Dr. Ruka ka dhënë kontributin e tij si në fushën akademike ashtu dhe në shërbim të sektorit publik, nga ku në vitet 1992 -2005 dhe 2009-2013 është zgjedhur Deputet i Kuvendit të Shqipërisë.
Prof.Dr. Ruka ka qenë Ministër i Ministrisë së Arsimit dhe Shkencës në vitet 1997-2001, Minister i pare i Mjedisit në vitet 2001-2002, Ministër i Pushtetit Vendor dhe Decentralizimit në vitin 2002-2003, dhe sërish Ministër i Mjedisit në vitin 2003-2005.
Ai është autor i shumë studimeve të karakterit shkollor, universitar dhe akademik. Në bibliografinë e punimeve të tij numërohen mjaft botime shkencore, të cilat janë botuar brenda dhe jashtë vendit, si dhe është autor/bashkëautor i disa teksteve mësimore.
During his rich professional career, Prof. Dr. Ruka has given his contribution both in the academic field and in the service of the public sector, from where in the years 1992-2005 and 2009-2013 he was elected Member of the Albanian Parliament.
Prof. Ruka was Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science in 1997-2001, First Minister of Environment in 2001-2002, Minister of Local Government and Decentralization in 2002-2003, and again Minister of Environment in 2003-2005.
He is the author of many studies of school, university and academic character. In the bibliography of his works there are many scientific publications, which have been published in the country and abroad, and he is the author / co-author of several textbooks.
Prof. Dr. Ethem Ruka has completed higher studies in Biology-Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the State University of Tirana. At the end of his university studies he was appointed lecturer in the Department of Zoology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
In 1978 he started his postgraduate studies at the University “Pierre et Marie Cyrie” in Paris, which he finalized with the Doctoral Diploma of the third cycle in biology.
During the years 1983-1992 he defended a second doctorate in Tirana, earning the title of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and since 1992 holds the title of Professor of Biology.